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Lake Bohinj

Lake Bohinj is the largest natural lake in Slovenia. Nested in the heart of the Julian Alps, this hidden gem is a precious destination waiting to be discovered! 

Lake Bohinj lies deep in glacial valley guarded by steep slopes on all but one side with green pastries. It holds about 100 million cubic metres of water - and as the old Bohinj saying goes: it holds no more water than a bucket - if it is large enough. It is part of the Triglav National Park, the only National Park in Slovenia and its pristine charm will get you in love at first sight. In summer, the temperature of the water rises up to 22 °C; in cold winters, the lake often freezes. Water level rises 2 - 3 metres after heavy rainfall.


  • Surface elevation: 526 m
  • Length: 4100 m (the longest diagonal)
  • Maximum width: 1200 m
  • Water quantity: 92.5 million m3
  • Maximum depth: 45 m
  • Area: 318 ha
  • Shore length: about 11.35 km
Water is completely refreshed three times per year. The main tributary is the Savica, and the main distributary is the Sava Bohinjka. More than a third of the water flows into the lake from the Karst springs under the lake surface along the northern shore. During heavy rainfall, the Karst waters gush out as the Govic spring on the Pršivec hillside.


  • At the end of the last glacial period, Lake Bohinj was about 18 metres higher, extending all the way to the village of Stara Fužina.
  • Only 1/10 of Lake Bohinj is shallower than 10 metres, and as much as 80 % is deeper than 20 metres, with 20 % even deeper than 40 metres.
  • There is a lacustrine chalk deposit between the hamlet of Sveti Duh and the Pod Skalco event area.
  • To the south side of Sveti Duh, there is also one of the few quartz porphyry deposits in the Julian Alps.
  • Lake Bohinj is home to 65 algae species, 8 mollusc species and 5 fish species.
  • Jezernica, the second shortest river in Slovenia, flows from Lake Bohinj, and after it joins the Mostnica river (100 metres from the bridge), it is called the Sava Bohinjka.


Lake Bohinj is perfect for all kind of water activities – from swimming, boat rowing, sailing, wind surfing, kayaking or canoeing, fishing and diving to ice skating in (colder) winters. Visitors can also enjoy a wonderful tourist boat trip or simply go for a relaxing walk along the shore.

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