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Salt room

Salt room in Bohinj- the first and only in Slovenia with Piran salt!

Salt therapy is a natural and safe method to alleviate respiratory diseases, allergies and skin diseases.

In 1843 Felix Boczkowski, a Polish doctor, noted that in the salt mines the workers were not subject to certain diseases. Following his research he understood the importance of some elements of the salt mine and how the microelements of the salt environment have beneficial effects on the health of the lungs and the respiratory tract.

Thus the salt caves have been used to alleviate diseases such as asthma, upper and lower respiratory tract diseases and allergies. This method is also known as speleotherapy (in Greek 'speleo' means 'cave') and is widespread throughout the world. In this way, many caves and salt mines have become spas. Many still exist (Wieliczka salt mine).

In the eighties the development of technology facilitated the recreation of the microclimate of salt mines. In this way the first rooms of salt appeared that then spread all over the world. In recent years they have also appeared in Slovenia.

In the salt rooms halotherapy (from the Greek word 'halos' which means 'the energy of salt') is performed with a halogenerator. The halogenerator is a salt micronizer that crushes the rock salt into micrometric dry particles, ionizes the particles and releases them into the air in the total absence of polluting substances.

Salt therapy is a natural and safe method to alleviate respiratory diseases, allergies and skin diseases. This therapy is suitable for adults and children from six months onwards. It is especially suitable for people suffering from diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, inflammation of the respiratory system, flu, sore throat, allergies, inflammation of the ear and mucosa of the paranasal sinuses, eczema and dermatitis. It also helps people that ache from chronic stress, fatigue, poor quality of sleep, roncopathy, muscle diseases and joint pain.

Salt therapy is especially indicated in the treatment of:

  • asthma and asthmatic diseases,
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract,
  • diseases of the lower respiratory tract,
  • colds and rhinitis,
  • cough.

How to use the salt room?

Please enter the salt room in appropriate clothing:

Children: tights or clean leggings, t-shirt with short or long sleeves. Bring a pair of clean socks with you to put them just before entering the salt room.

Adults: protection for socks and head, bathrobe or underwear (dry swimsuit and short-sleeved T-shirt).

Salt Room Pricelist

20-minute therapy Cena
Children up to 10 years 12,00 €
Every additional child 5,00 €
Adult that accompanies child free
Second adult that accompanies child 6,00 €
40-minute therapy Cena
Adults 17,00 €
Every additional adult 12,00 €
60-minute therapy Cena
Adults 27,00 €
Every additional adult 12,00 €


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